In the summer of 2014, the Midland Lacrosse Club (Joe Stadelmaier and Will Luzar) started the Saginaw Valley 989 Summer Lacrosse program in response to a request from some of our high school families who wanted a local summer lacrosse option. That first year we fielded a U17 team only.
In 2015 we added U15 and U13 and drew players from Midland, Bay City, Saginaw, and Flint.
Before the summer of 2016, Mike Kinney (Midland resident and former coach at Alma College) informed us of his plans to expand Ohio's Momentum Lacrosse Club into Michigan with teams based in Midland. At that point it made sense to merge 989 lax with Momentum and turn over its operation to Coach Kinney.
In the fall of 2017, when Lansing's dominant lacrosse club Power Play ceased operations, it created an opportunity for Momentum to expand significantly into Lansing's larger lacrosse market. Momentum grew substantially, but it no longer made sense for it offer teams based in the Midland area. Some players from our area continued to play for Momentum, but they now had to travel to Lansing for practices and were spending much more time in the car traveling back and forth to practice than on the field practicing.
Given the continued evolution of summer lacrosse options in mid-Michigan, in 2019 we realized once again that a local, low-cost option was not currently available yet was more important than ever. We made plans to re-launch during the summer of 2020, but the lack of tourney options due to the COVID pandemic limited us to practices for the summer of 2020.
At the Great Lax Bay Classic in Saginaw in June of 2021, for the first time in five years we fielded teams under the 989 name: 14U, high school, and men's. We're back!
Great Lax Bay Classic 2021
Saturday was a big day for 989. It had been 5 years since a Saginaw Valley 989 team had taken the field. Today youth, high school, and men's teams did again. The high school team won one of three games (in Braveheart fashion in overtime!). The 14U team also won one of three games. Their third was an exciting Braveheart loss against a travel team from Ohio that easily dispatched their other two opponents. The men lost both games but competed well and had fun. Thanks for your part in making 989 an active program again!
On Sunday 14U won both games including an exciting OT win to conclude the weekend. The high school team dropped their first game on Sunday but finished the weekend with a strong win. And the men continued to have fun.
Great Lakes Lacrosse Invitational 2021
It was a fun weekend! Both teams continued to demonstrate improvement individually and as TEAMS, and their hard work is paying off. The high school team started slowly but raised their game as the weekend progressed...and only came up 3 goals short from making the championship. 14U went undefeated for the weekend and brought home the trophies!
Last summer practice 2021
Summer Finale 2021
We wrapped up the summer season at the Summer Finale tourney in Grand Blanc.
14U won 2 of 3 on Saturday (with the loss by only 1 goal) despite only having 13 players and then lost in the first round of bracket play to a team that would eventually make the finals.
The high school team started slowly on Saturday and, like the week before, turned it up a notch in bracket play on Sunday. They won their first game in the bracket and then lost to the eventual Silver Division champions (and SVL compatriots) Flint Tropics in overtime.
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