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Faceoff and Shooting Clinics on Jan 27

989 is sponsoring faceoff and shooting clinics at the Midland Civic Arena on Friday Jan 27, 2023.

Although anyone is welcome, these clinics are intended for and will be most beneficial for players who have at least some playing experience.

Faceoff training provided by West MI Faceoff

Boys 7th-12th grades
7-9 PM

Shooting clinic provided by Adam Nycz

Boys or Girls 3rd-12th grade
7-8 PM Shooting Clinic
8-9 PM open turf for shooting practice
helmet or goggles are required for the shooting clinic and open shooting time

Spots are limited, so register now to reserve yours: REGISTER

The price is $10 (or free if you are playing for 989 currently or in the past...enter discount code 9ATE9 at checkout if you have played for 989).

Training will be provided by:

West MI Faceoff


Adam Nycz

Div III All-American at Virginia Wesleyan where he had 42 goals and 20 assists during his senior season in 2012; more recently he coached at Alma College where he was an assistant from 2015-2019 and head coach from 2019-2022



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