Summer Finale 2024
July 27-28, 2024
65665 Powell Rd,
Washington, MI 48095
Summer Finale Waiver Link 2024
LINK to Summer Finale Schedule
Saturday July 27
Sunday July 28
GAME FILM from the Saginaw tourney (Great Lax Bay) is available at no cost: For the Varsity and Rising teams, game film is included. Click HERE and checkout with the free “Game Film” option – you will be prompted to login to an existing NextPro account or create a new one.
Saginaw Valley 989 Travel Lacrosse is a low-cost (non-profit) and local option for boys lacrosse players of all levels of skill and experience in Midland, Bay City, Saginaw, and neighboring locales.
Registration links are at the bottom of this page.
We will attend 3 events during the summer of 2024. Those events are listed below along with the dates and per-player cost.
Neither Great Lax Bay nor Summer Finale allows 2024 grads to play in their high school division, but 2024s can play on the men's team for those tourneys.
We're offering each event a la carte to make it easier for families to avoid conflicts with family vacations, other lacrosse events, etc. so you don't have to pay for an event that you can't attend. Even if you're playing for another team, you're welcome to join us for any of the events that fit your schedule.
All players and coaches are required to have valid USA Lacrosse memberships before registering (join USA Lacrosse here: LINK). There are various benefits that come with US Lacrosse membership, but in this context the most important is that the liability insurance that we receive via US Lacrosse is contingent upon all players and coaches having valid US Lacrosse memberships.
Practices and Coaching
All players who are registered for at least one event are welcome to participate in any and all practices we have during the summer. Practices will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings (6-7:30 PM) in Midland (at Northeast Middle School) from June 11 to July 25 (no practice the week of July 4).
The coaching staffs are not yet finalized (the summer plans of college kids often change on short notice), but we anticipate a coaching staff made up of current and former college players and coaches and local high school and college coaches.
Summer 2024 Coaches
Tryouts and Teams
Part of our philosophy is that we'll find a place for everyone to have fun and get better at lacrosse during the summer. In general, if we have enough players at a particular age group to field more than one team, we'll divide players into teams according to skill level based on tryouts and player evaluations (Elite and house teams). Our typical teams are 12U, 14U, JV, Varsity, and Men (for the Saginaw and Summer Finale tourneys). We roster at most two goalies per team for each event. If there are more goalies than that who want to play, the coaches will evaluate their skills and select the two who will be rostered. Goalies who aren't rostered for a particular event will be refunded. If they are interested in playing another position, they may do so.
Every player must have a uniform set of matching blue and white reversible jersey and shorts to wear during the events. We'll use the same uniform design in future years, so it's an investment of'll be able to wear it for future years as long as it still fits. The cost is $30 for the jersey and $25 for the shorts.
Fees and Payments
The team registration fees for summer tournaments are significantly higher than similar spring tourneys, so our fees for summer lax are necessarily higher to allow us to break even. However, we are committed to keeping fees as low as possible to make summer lacrosse accessible to as many as we can. For-profit club teams charge $600, $1200, even $2000 for a summer season. We view our offering as an excellent value relative to other summer options.
If you have any questions not addressed by this document, please send email to
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